Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Its finally here folks! Thank you all so much for your support with this project, this was really a labor of love and the kind words y'all have commented have really helped me throughout this process.

This supplement isn't going to be for everyone, obviously the style and ruleset is going to be a little alienating, but I hope that given the restrictions of the OD&Desque format and horror influences I've made something that can be quite usable. 

Also, I wanted to make a quick note on how mental illness is treated in this supplement, since obviously anything that deals with"insanity" is gonna be a little weird. I'm mentally ill, I don't talk about it much but I suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, among other symptoms which have yet to be given formal diagnoses. Part of what has drawn me to the King in Yellow and the Cthulhu mythos are the themes of obsession and being driven mad from forbidden knowledge, which to me feels almost relatable and definitely pretty close to home. Madness and insanity are core themes of these works, so if I stripped them out of Lost Carcosa it would be a bit odd. Nevertheless, I feel like works dealing with mental illness often treat the DSM-V like a monster manual rather than actually have tasteful and complex depictions of mental illness. I've tried to tend towards tastefulness here.

I hope you all enjoy this, and get good use out of it! If you want to, feel free to review it on your blog, I'd love to hear your feedback about it!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Lost Carcosa Update: Nearly Finished!

This might be the last or second-to-last update I make about this, since I have good news! Supplement 🜏: Lost Carcosa is nearly finished!

The most recent iteration of the document is 64 pages long, but the finished product should be 70-75 pages long.

Here is a list of what is currently featured:

  • Descriptions of 14 deities to be worshiped or feared, ranging from the benevolent Bast to the vile King in Yellow.
  • Descriptions of 13 (or 12, depending on how you count horribly mutated fused royalty) NPCs which can be encountered in Carcosa.
  • 350 interesting things to find while exploring the wilderness of Carcosa, spread across 7 regions, along with random encounter tables for each region.
  • 36 monsters with combat statistics for old school fantasy games.
  • 11 new spells drawn from weird fiction.
  • 21 eldritch and unnatural magic items.
  • 3 new playable character species.
  • A mutation table.
  • A detailed system to generate the Dark Young of Sheol-Nugganoth
  • Shoddy, amateur layout!

By the time the supplement is finished, it will also feature:
  • Tables for creating small dungeon delves to be placed in the uncharted wilderness.
  • A small sample dungeon to get things started quickly.
  • Optional, simplified rules for hex crawling in Carcosa.
  • A list of Carcosan names.
  • Carcosan dungeon encounter tables.
Hopefully I'll have a draft done in a few days, after which I'll do some testing and revise it. After that, I'll be putting it up for sale on DrivethruRPG.

Thank you all so much for your advice and support, and I hope you will enjoy reading and using Lost Carcosa as much I did making it!