Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Making FKR characters using Zweihander

Inspired by this post by Wizard Lizard over at Underworld Adventures.

I like Zweihander from an aesthetic standpoint, I really do, but unfortunately I have OSR/FKR brainrot and so I can't run or play a system that complicated. However, what I could do is use the character creation method from that game and tweak it for use with a less complicated system.

The stats in Zweihander are Combat, Brawn, Agility, Perception, Intelligence, Willpower, and Fellowship. Normally you roll for these stats by rolling 3d10 and adding 25 to the result for each, but that's a little too complicated for my tastes, so instead how about you just roll 3d6 for each. Write down any stats that are noteworthy, ignore average stats.

13-18    Skilled Fighter
9-12      Average
3-8        Poor Fighter

13-18    Tough
9-12      Average
3-8        Weak

13-18    Agile
9-12      Average
3-8        Clumsy

13-18    Perceptive
9-12      Average
3-8        Inattentive

13-18    Smart
9-12      Average
3-8        Stupid

13-18    Strong-willed
9-12      Average
3-8        Spineless

13-18    Charismatic
9-12      Average
3-8        Socially Inept

Next roll a d6 to determine your race/species. A 1-4 indicates you are human, 5-6 indicates you are demihuman, the exact type of which is determined by the table below.

1. Dwarf
2. Gnome
3. Halfling
4. Ogre
5. Elf
6. Half-Human; roll again to determine other half

Next, roll a d6 to determine your archetype (and then roll a d12 to determine your profession based on that archetype)

1. Academic
2. Commoner
3. Knave
4. Ranger
5. Socialite 
6. Warrior

Academic Professions
1. Adherent
2. Anchorite
3. Antiquarian
4. Apothecary
5. Astrologer
6. Diabolist
7. Engineer
8. Informer
9. Investigator
10. Monk
11. Preacher
12. Scribe

Commoner Professions
1. Artisan
2. Barber Surgeon
3. Boatman
4. Camp Follower
5. Cheapjack
6. Coachman
7. Doomsayer
8. Jailer
9. Laborer
10. Peasant
11. Rat Catcher
12. Servant

Knave Professions
1. Beggar
2. Burglar
3. Charlatan
4. Footpad
5. Gambler
6. Graverobber
7. Guttersnipe
8. Highwayman
9. Sex Worker
10. Smuggler
11. Vagabond
12. Vigilante

Ranger Professions
1. Animal Tamer
2. Bailiff
3. Bonepicker
4. Bounty Hunter
5. Gamekeeper
6. Hedgewise
7. Old Believer
8. Outrider
9. Pilgrim
10. Reeve
11. Slayer
12. Trapper

Socialite Professions
1. Anarchist
2. Courtier
3. Cultist
4. Entertainer
5. Envoy
6. Fop
7. Jester
8. Provocateur
9. Racketeer
10. Raconteur
11. Rake
12. Valet

Warrior Professions
1. Berserker
2. Bravo
3. Buccaneer
4. Dragoon
5. Hedge Knight
6. Man-At-Arms
7. Militiaman
8. Pit Fighter
9. Pugilist
10. Sellsword
11. Squire
12. Watchman

There are number of different tables for determining additional features for your character, but I don't feel comfortable copying down wholesale an entire slew of tables from a non-free game. Similarly, this is why I didn't note down the starting equipment you get by your archetype.

You can use this character creation method with whatever system you want to, but I'd personally bolt a slightly modified version of SUDS for the resolution system, renaming the 3 "hits" granted to starting characters to "wounds" for that warhammery flavor.

Using this "system" here are some sample characters rolled up in a few minutes. I rolled quite badly on most character's stats, so I doubt many of them would survive an encounter with the forces of chaos.

Pelgrana, Female Elf Rake
3 Wounds

Poor Fighter

Coin purse, fancy shoes, fashionable clothing, foppish hat, holy symbol, knuckleduster, mandrake root (3), mantle, neck ruff, shoulder bag, writing kit, rapier

Ludmilla, Female Human Gamekeeper
3 Wounds
1 Armor


Animalbane (3), antivenom, backpack, bullwhip, heavy boots, holy symbol, suit of fur/hide armor, survival kit, torches (3), traveling clothes, waterskin, wilderness cloak, wolfsbane, hunting bow with arrows (9) and quiver

Jarla, Female Human Pilgrim
3 Wounds
1 Armor

Poor Fighter
Socially Inept

Animalbane (3), antivenom, backpack, bullwhip, heavy boots, holy symbol, suit of fur/hide armor, survival kit, torches (3), traveling clothes, waterskin, wilderness cloak, wolfsbane, woodsman's axe

Heinz, Male Human Rake
3 Wounds


Coin purse, fancy shoes, fashionable clothing, foppish hat, holy symbol, knuckleduster, mandrake root (3), mantle, neck ruff, shoulder bag, writing kit, throwing knives (3) with bandolier

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